Purpose of the processing

Access to and browsing the site are free, but the possibility to receive certain online services offered by the Website is allowed only subject to registration by the user. The registration process consists of the filling of an on-line form in which the user is requested to state his personal data – some of them are required – for activating the authentication credentials (email + password) through which, then, the interested party person will access to all the areas and the services of the Website which are reserved to the registered users. Thus, firstly, the primary purpose of the processing is the need to allow that the requested procedures of prior online registration and for the creation of an account are carried out and to enable the operators of the Website the generation and the subsequent technical and administrative management (including the provision of technical support and assistance upon request) of the account, of the activation codes, of the passwords and similar authentication credentials to be employed on the Website as created by the users within the registration process.

Once they have signed in the Website, registered users are then enabled to receive all the services offered online by the Website Such services are organized in the following areas and can be received based on the separate contractual terms available on the Website:

  • Legends area for the on-line purchase of the tickets for the Legends Stand;
  • Parking area for the on-line purchase of the Stadium parking;
  • My Season Pass area for receiving the services connected to the season pass;
  • Membership area;
  • Contact area for receiving help and assistance;
  • The e-commerce website www.siamfc.com for the purchase of Siam FC official products;

Thus the processing of the personal data (including their recording in the Siam FC database) seeks to achieve the following primary purposes:

a) guarantee the registration to the Website, enable the user to access to the web pages of the Website where it is possible to receive specific online services, guarantee the correct provisions of the services requested from Siam FC through the Website, and, therefore, perform in a correct and a timely manner all the obligations arising from the contractual relationship established, and also the obligations provided for the current legislation or regulations, in particular obligation related to tax or public security purposes;

b) for administrative and accounting purposes, including the transmission, if any, by e-mail of business invoices by Siam FC and/or any company connected thereto during the supply of the service, for the delivery of notices to the user which regard the account or the transactions carried out with Siam FC;

c) Lastly, the primary purposes include also certain technical processing carried out employing the so-called "technical cookies" based on what is detailed in the Cookie Policy. In such specific cases, the technical treatments seek solely to carry out the transmission of a communication on an electronic communication network to the extent strictly required for supplying the services expressly required by the users.

In all the cases under points a), b) and c) above, Siam FC shall not be obliged to procure any specific consent from the user. All the processing detailed above seek, actually, primary purposes for which art. 24 of the Privacy Code excludes the need to procure a specific consent from the interested party, either because the processing is required for complying with an obligation set by the Law, by a regulation or by the EC legislation, or because the processing is required for carrying out any duty arising from an agreement in which the concerned person is one of the parties, or for meeting, before the execution of the agreement, specific requests of the concerned person.

In the case where the user does not intent do provide in any case the requested personal data, which are required based on the above, this would lead to the impossibility to complete the registration to the Website and to receive all the services for which the registration and the provision of the data are in any case required based on technical and contractual reasons. It would remain in any case possible to browse the Website as a non-registered and anonymous user and to display only the contents and the materials available without registration.

Complying with the Privacy Code and the user's choices, the data may be also processed for the following secondary purposes: d) for registering to the mailing lists held by our Company, for carrying out market surveys and polls (also by telephone, online, and using forms), the delivery of advertising and information material on the products and services offered by Siam FC by the Siam FC partners, solicitations of purchase, through automated systems, such as e-mail, fax, sms or MMS, or traditional methods (for example: traditional post letters), or by telephone with an operator (hereinafter, globally “Processing for Marketing purposes”);

e) for the processing of the user's market profile (by sampling the consumption patterns), seeking, both to monitor the satisfaction degree of customers for ensuring the best satisfaction of their needs, both to send customer specific information and/or advertising material, using automated systems, such as e-mail, fax, SMS or MMS or by ordinary post. In all the cases detailed under points d) and e) above, the data may be processed only if a specific consent is granted. The lack of any declaration of consent shall be held as a denial.

Then, by granting the optional consent, the interested party specifically acknowledges and authorizes such further possible processing. In any case, even if the concerned person granted his consent to seek the purposes listed under points d) and e), he shell remain in any case free to cancel it in any moment, by sending a clear notice on the matter to Siam FC at the following e-mail address siamfc.globalclub@gmail.com.

The denial will not involve any consequence, except for the impossibility of being included in statistical analysis and/or profiling and to receive promotions, discounts and focused communications, based on the provided data, or to be informed on any marketing and promotional/advertisement initiatives. Therefore, for such further purposes, the processing shall be carried out only according to the purposes and based on the specific consent granted by the concerned person upon registration to the Website.