Possible disclosure by the interested party of third party personal data

The user acknowledges that the possible indication (for example in the management of the season pass in the “My Season Pass” section) of personal and contact data of any third party different from the interested person shall be held as a personal data processing, with regards to which he shall act as independent controller, undertaking all the obligations and responsibilities provided for by the Privacy Code. To that effect, the user guarantees to Siam FC that any third party data which shall be indicated in such way by the user (and which shall be accordingly handled as if the third party granted his informed consent to the processing and the disclosure of the data to Siam FC) was collected by the user himself in full compliance with the Privacy Code. To this regards, the user grants the widest indemnification with regards to any objection, claim, request for compensation of any damage arising from the processing, etc. which may be received by Siam FC from any third party interested based on the provision of the data indicated by the user violating the applicable provisions on personal data protection.